The MSR water filter

water-surivival-1Stopped for a second to get my bearing, and to see if I could find a river bed.  I am stuck behind enemy lines and need to make it back to my unit.  One of the hardest things we have to remember is to stay calm and

Continue reading “The MSR water filter”

Do you Jetboil? Nitro-Pak does!

bydlon_jetboil4409_750x400This is one item you do not want to go camping without!  Read it and share!!!

I dropped to one knee, looking down at a torn map trying to figure out what I was and what direction I needed to go.  I could feel the Continue reading “Do you Jetboil? Nitro-Pak does!”

Hot Showers in the woods!

Solar-showerWow! what a great idea for your Emergency pack!  Check out the review…

When people talk about camping some think it is to much trouble to be out in the woods, sleeping in a tent and living next to a camp fire.  But what is it with them?  I think of it more like living in style!  Why do you have Continue reading “Hot Showers in the woods!”